Need help understanding stuff about overseas shipping if possible

Sorry if this isn’t the proper sub to post this in, hopefully everything goes well (if not please be kind to me as I don’t use Reddit super often).

Basically I want to buy some shirts from a Japanese store. Buyee isn’t compatible with this store and Tenso wants a sketchy amount of personal information, due to Japanese law, that I am a little afraid to provide lol so basically my only option seems to be buying directly from their online store.

My concern is that I am ignorant and might end up getting charged too much in handling via customs and stuff that I am too ignorant to understand or predict.

Here is the basic information anyone might need to be of assistance (please?).
There are 4 shirts, about $48 each amounting to a little under $200 USD before tax. I assume with the packaging and bubble wrap etc it’d be within a couple pounds of weight. I was just wondering if anyone knew how likely I was to be charged an additional large amount of money for having this stuff shipped overseas (basically I don’t want a surprise $100+ fee for reasons I am ignorant to). For reference I have had things shipped from Japan before through eBay with $20-30 shipping cost and no surprise fees though I imagine that could be eBay handling things in a specific way to avoid that for buyers?

Will be happy to provide more details if needed. If anyone could help me understand this a little better and feel safe enough to make this purchase before stuff is sold out I would GREATLY appreciate it. Thank you!

  1. My question is, is there a reason you can’t use one if the other hundred japanese shopping services who can take care of this and the customs info for you? Buyee is pretty bad at basically everything. Also if you’re located in the USA they don’t tend to give a shit about customs for $200 packages unless you’re buying knockoff stuff or something else prohibited.
    *Also, will the store even ship overseas if you try to buy it directly?

  2. i’ve purchased from tenso and i haven’t gotten my identity stolen


    aside from the monumental shipping costs from japan, tenso has always handled my packages with care, DHL is by far the best service.

    Ask around but i think tenso is a solid proxy

    also i’ve paid roughly 175 usd for one package to ship at some point, but no customs charges so far on all of the packages i’ve bought.

  3. Try fromJapan Zenmarket or biginjapan

    All 3 are great services in buying and shipping from Japan.

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