I’m going to refrain from calling it realistic this time…

I’m going to refrain from calling it realistic this time…

by StorKuk69

  1. Insane, I’m doing 30-40 a day and feel like it’s almost my limit. Keep grinding though, how many cards do you have in total?

  2. I’m doing 25 and my head sometimes hurts by the end of it lol. Granted I’m learning any new Kanji along with their rtk mnemonics so probably low 30s new per day but yeah 70is crazy pace

  3. Wtf, if I do more than 10 for an extended period of time, my anki sessions get way too long (as in more than an hour) htf do ppl remember stuff thus well

  4. what does this deck have? and how are u using anki, Im having a lot of trouble just using it I feel like it’s kinda a waste of time, i’m doing the kaishi 1.6k deck

  5. How much you were doing in the beginning? 
    For example 50/day in Italian is a pice if cake, but with this one I’m struggling to get 20/day (1.5/2 hours). They just not sticking most of the time. Anyway I just have started learning words 2 weeks ago so if I know 200 words well it’s cool. 

    I hope when I know 700-1000 really well (I can recall them anytime or identify within 1 second with to no context) I’ll be able to learn 50 in my 2 hours. 

    Was it the case with you? 

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