Overlapping two full time jobs – is this illegal?

H, I need your kind advice on a situation that I’m in.

I’m about to start a new job soon in Oct, with enrollment day fixed.

But for the current job, the last work day would be end of this month. I still have one month day off left.

The question is, is it illegal if I’m taking the unfinished day-off (on payroll) in Oct, while start working for the new job?

I will hand over all work/PC/documents end of this month back to my current company. It’s only the day-off overlapping. No conflicts in business interests.

I could have been able to avoid this situation but there are time pressure at both companies…

Appreciate it if you could share your advice / thoughts. Thanks.

  1. It isn’t illegal, but it needs to be agreed as it causes issues with pension/insurance and is often against the rules of both the loosing and receiving company.

    You would have to clear this with your current and future HR.

  2. It depends on both your old and new companies. I’m also changing jobs next month and have more than 20 days of paid leaves remaining. So, I searched about this, and long story short, I found clauses in my contracts with both companies which basically say, I can’t work other jobs without written consent from the company. (I found it in the company rules (就業規則) which were attached alongside the contract)

    In the end I didn’t try to pursue the remaining paid leaves because it will cause more problems with both my old and new companies due to that clause. However, I managed to make a deal with my old company to extend my official resignation date to one day before the start date of my new job. It’s only 2 additional days of paid leave though.

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