Advice for my study method

Hi all,

I started studying Japanese exactly 982 days ago every day, with the rule of not being allowed to skip a day. Eventhough that seems already "quite" long, I only started studying it seriously since november 2023, with a teacher on iTalki. Before that I only did Hiragana, Katakana, basic Kanji en some easy grammar and vocabulary.

I did the N5 test in July and will know the results tomorrow. We started N4 grammar this month.

Now the reason for my post. I work for a Japanese company based in Europe and really want to get conversational on a level where I can express myself easily, even if I do make some mistakes or talk a bit slowly. Because I notice that the relationship with my Japanese colleagues, bosses and customers is just way better if you can speak (even a little bit) Japanese.

My writing and reading skills are much higher than my listening and speaking skills. That's also why I now started iTalki classes since today with a native Japanese teacher to focus on output and continue with textbook classes with my teacher I started with in November (not native, but she studied Japanese literature in Tokyo).

I feel my progress is slow. Still I enjoy studying Japanese and it feels like 'me-time', which gives me energy and joy.

I read all these stories of people getting to N2 level in 1 or 2 years and can't understand how. I have both a bachelor and master degree, a high status job and people describe me as a fast learner and motivated person. I already speak Dutch, French and English. I know it's not very Japanese to say all of this about myself of course. I really hope these 4 phrases don't come over as cocky, because in real life I never brag or feel better than others. I just want to point out that I never had any issues in life to study or achieve my goals. I just started N4, after all this effort, which just doesn't compare.

My study method:


WaniKani: 30 minutes

Bunpro: 10 minutes

Anki (TheMoeWay Tango): 15 minutes

Japanese YouTube content: 20 minutes

Duolingo (I know, but I like it): 15 minutes


iTalki classes: 2 hours

Japanese podcasts: 2-3 hours

Studying/homework: 3 hours

Japanesepod101 (yearly subscription): 30-60 minutes

Anime: 2-3 hours

WhatsApp to Japanese friends/colleagues: 30-60 minutes

Speaking (basic) Japanese at work: 1 hour (estimation)

What is your experience and advice? I know as long as I enjoy it, I should not complain. But I also do need enough progression to feel good.

Thanks for reading and your replies 🙂

by Ngrum

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