monthly utilities expenses

Hi, just moved to iwakuni (yamaguchi prefecture) and just wanted to get a general idea on how much monthly bills would be so i can budget

Mainly just:
1 electricity
2 water
3 gas
4 (optional) im just curious as to what ur wifi speed & cost is. Have one already but was just wondering about better options if ever!

Tbh i also wanna know if it would be significantly more expensive to have my aircon on for long hours during the day bc it's so hot right now but im trying to save LOL ;–; thank you in advance

Edit: sorry for the lack of lifestyle detail!! But thank you for the insights so far! Mostly i just work from home, just using a laptop. My husband and i are really basic who just chill and play mobile games on our free time. But we do have a number of gadgets to charge i guess? Electric fan is on most of the day time and make use of the windows for natural light and air. Aircon only at night type. We usually cook so i guess that's wherein our gas would go up. No hot water showers for now bc summer

by squiddysupreme

  1. With no information about your usages, time at home, or lifestyle. I can confidently say the sum of your expenses will be anywhere between ¥12000 and ¥5000000.

  2. No one knows because we have no idea how you live your life. For instance I have way lower electricity and gas bills than the people who post on this sub and I have no idea why (yes, I use the AC in the summer).

  3. Depends. Like someone else said with information on your spending habits and lifestyle it’s impossible.

    I can say that I personally spend around 12k for gas since I take 30min-1hr shower.

    Electricity is around 8k but also varies from prefecture to prefecture and with how much you use air conditioning. Using this could make your bill as high as 40,000 yen. It brought my bill up to around 24k once. I’d recommend a small fan since it’ll do the job and you’ll spend less money overall.

    Wifi is around 6k for good wifi but the initial start up depending on the company can be around 20k.

    My water is built into my rent.

    So in total for utilities I pay around 20k because I like long showers. Otherwise it would be around 12-14k.

  4. Size of your home/apartment (how many rooms, ex: 2DK concrete apartment or 5LDK wood house), number of people in your home, hours spent at home, how much AC you use, how much you cook and how long you shower will affect your answers. 

    Ex: my family of 4 (2 kids) and 1 cat, we leave AC running all day, lots of gadgets and PCs, cook every morning and night, bath every night with short showers beforehand.  Wooden house 5LDK. 
    Electric this month: 24,000
    Electric during the cooler months: 5,000
    Gas: 5,000
    Gas during cold months: 8,000-10,000
    Water: 4,000 (pretty consistent)
    Internet, Phone: 6,800 (always the same, hikari internet plus phone, including my cellphone)

  5. Just don’t keep switching your ac on and off. When I went round to my mates house whenever the room got cool he would turn off the AC to ‘save money’ and then when it got hot he would turn it back on. This was his second summer in Japan so I’m glad I was able to tell him 🤣

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