General medical certificate as a student in Tokyo?

Hello, I've been living in Japan with my partner for a few months and she wants to apply to a language school here.

One of the documents the school requests is a medical certificate which I also had to do to get into school here (though I did it in my home country). It's just the regular tests, uranalysis, sight tests and so on. I'm here as a student and she's my dependent so we're both on the NHI for which we registered after first arriving here.

But we don't know how to book an appointment to have a doctor perform the tests and fill in the certificate. I'm pretty sure this must be a standard procedure, but I have no clue where to look or what price range would be fair for us. I speak Japanese fluently (she speaks basic level) so I can help her book her appointment and talk to the clinic if needed, but I don't think I'll be allowed in the consultation room with her (maybe at some points as an interpreter?) so I don't know if that restricts us to only English speaking doctors. The form can be filled in Japanese no problem, so we would rather not pay the premium English prices if possible.

Does anyone know how these appointments are done usually and how much we should expect to pay for them? Neither of us has ever gone to a Japanese doctor before.

by Masterkid1230

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