Has anyone been to Muscle Girls? How suitable is it if you don’t drink and aren’t very talkative?

I'm heading to Japan in a couple of months and I've been a bit interested in Muscle Girls in Tokyo. It looks like they may have recently changed how they operate as it seems you book an 80 minute slot for 5000 Yen. I want to know whether people enjoyed the updated version.

However, my main question is whether it'll actually be suitable for my wife and me. Neither of us drink alcohol and we are both quite reserved, so probably won't be interacting with the hosts as much as other people. It looks like the new system has one muscle girl per group, so it seems like it'll be very personal. We're not very good at making conversation with new people in English, let alone Japanese (I only know the basics), so I'm worried it'll be quite awkward. Couple that with us not drinking any alcohol, I am concerned that we won't have a fun time (or make the muscle girl very bored).
Has anyone else been in a similar situation to us? The main appeal of Muscle Girls for us is basically just the gimmick. But that gimmick can only be entertaining by itself for a short time. Since we'd have to pay 5000 Yen and need to stay for 80 minutes, I want to know if there will be enough entertainment throughout the night, or if our time would be better spent somewhere else in Ikebukuro?

by BigQ49

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