How do you learn from Japanese videos without subtitles?

There’s a YouTube video I really want to watch that’s entirely in Japanese. The only subtitle options are Japanese and auto-translated English (which sucks). I want to watch it for the content, but I also really want to use it to improve my listening comprehension, so I don’t want to rely on the auto translations.

I would say I’m sorta between beginner and intermediate level? Been studying for months now, on book 3 of JFZ and level 4 of WK. know hiragana,katakana, and some kanji. Watching the first couple minutes of the video I did understand a good bit of it, maybe like 60%?

I’m wondering how to tackle this. Should I watch the video without any translations, and stop when I come across a word or phrase I don’t know, then turn on translations/use google to see if I can figure it out? Should I wait until my Japanese is better before trying to watch the video? Or just watch it with translations and passively try to absorb it?

This is the video btw

by Chianie

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