This sentence comes from Chapter 8 of 魔女の宅急便 (Kiki’s Delivery Sentence). It’s a long sentence so the basic context is that Kiki’s mom is teaching her how to fly during winter, and the part I don’t understand is 「あのおまんじゅうみたいに見えるのは見やぐらの屋根、…」I can’t figure out what 見やぐら is here, so can someone help translate this section?
見櫓; 見せ櫓 【みせやぐら】 (n) observation tower; scout tower
The sentence snippet means “That thing over there that looks like a manju is the roof of the watch tower,”. The first half あのおまんじゅうみたいに見えるのは could be thought of as at least a few main components: あのおまんじゅう (that manju other there) modified by Xみたいに見える ((something) looks like X) and then のは to make it a noun and then the sentence topic. 見やぐらの屋根 is being identified as / equated to the preceding sentence.
Others have helped you out with this particular sentence, but I recommend you check out [this link](; it’ll definitely prove useful in the future. It’s a community-made vocab list for the entire book.
There are many excellent Japanese dictionaries online. My personal favorite has always been Jim Breen’s WWWJDIC: