Culture and Behavior


I’m doing a paper for school and the question is

“With Japanese being our target market, what is some of the unique culture or behavior we should know as a hospitality professional.”

I got some things from online already but I just want to know from everyone here.

What are some behavior you appreciate when traveling elsewhere.

  1. Tell me how you are going to quote/cite what you read here in the reference section of your paper.

  2. You might get better luck on r/japan which has more users which live in japan. I can’t really think of anything except for how Japanese people prefer a clean establishment, which is kinda normal everywhere. You could mention how the word きれい kirei means both “beautiful” and “clean/neat/tidy”.

  3. The Japanese ryokan is unique and different from Western style hotels. Read up on it.

  4. I’m not Japanese, but gift giving is a huge thing. In fact it’s kind of an expectation, enough so there’s a small industry based around it. You’re expected to bring a souvenir when you travel anywhere. Also if you were to visit a Japanese person’s home, a cultural expectation is to bring a small gift representing your culture.

    You should also know about seating position in the room. Basically the person closest to the door is the lowest guest, and the most important guest is sat furthest from the door. This is almost an unconscious thing for a lot of people. So you’d be expected to be really careful if ever organising an event as ignoring this social rule can and will make people uncomfortable.

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