Is there a market for German & English translators/localization in Japan?

I'm looking to make a career change, preferably to something where I can improve my German and Japanese language skills and maybe do some computer programming at the same time. I'm autistic and languages are my obsession/interest, and now I finally have the opportunity to study them instead of just dabbling.

For background, I have a Bachelor's in English with a minor in German (currently at a B1 level but looking to take more classes from the Goethe Institute so I can reach C1 level). I have two years to study before I can move abroad, and I'm thinking of also taking classes in Japanese and Python so I can go into localization. (I used to be at a B1 level in Japanese, but this was 10 years ago.)

Is there actually a need for German and English translation in Japan, or am I deluding myself?

by naked_trash_goblin

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