About to be induced in two weeks at 38 weeks

36 weeks pregnant about to be induced in two weeks in Japan

Has anyone been induced two weeks earlier in Japan? I’m totally getting an epidural but I am concerned that they will induce me without pain management based on two blogs that I was able to find online (they did the epidural but when the Foley balloon went in they said it was excruciating so it sounds like they didn’t have pain relief at the beginning of the induction). I’m a huge wuss when it comes to pain. I had an HSG (that test to check your fallopian tubes ) like two years ago and I SCREAMED from the pain. What was your induction experience like even with an epidural? I’m Japanese so I feel like I can kind of say this lol but it seems like sometimes the treatment of patients is a little bit inhumane in terms of pain. like we’re expected to just bear it even though there are options for pain management. Basically I’m asking to hear from you if you’ve been induced early particularly in Japan and especially what you did to manage the pain. I would love tips I think it would help me feel less anxious.

by StockThing7496

  1. My wife was induced about 3 weeks early because her due date was right in the middle of a business trip and we didn’t want to risk me not being there to help with the other 2 kids while she was having baby. She also had an epidural for all 3 including 2 while in Japan. Everything went swimmingly and #3 just growled something under her breath in that angsty teen way before taking her breakfast up to her room.

  2. When they give you the epidural probably depends on your clinic, so I recommend asking them in advance so you know what to expect and can feel like you’re in control of the situation. I was induced and they offered me the epidural pretty much immediately and continued to offer it every hour or so until I decided I was ready for it. But I did not need a foley balloon, we went straight to oxytocin, so I’m not sure if that makes a difference. Once I got the epidural I had zero pain. It was amazing!

  3. I was induced two weeks earlier because my water broke early and no sign of contractions. I did it without epidural. It was so awful and I vowed to never get pregnant again 😂 they injected the drug around 10 AM and two hours later my baby was born.
    Have you booked your epidural? Some clinics require us to book the epidural in advance, around week 34 because they don’t have their own anesthesia doctor. Good luck! I wish you a smooth and safe delivery!

  4. I was induced at 42 weeks so not early but did not get the epidural until active labor was about to start because I went from 2cm to like 7cm in under an hour after being at 2 for 4-5 hours. They didn’t use the Foley balloon though, but a chemical induction so I’d ask your hospital how they plan to induce and when you can get the epidural started. 

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