When you find a good AYCE place it just ruins everywhere else… Especially when it’s quality and only $30.

When you find a good AYCE place it just ruins everywhere else… Especially when it’s quality and only $30.

by TrevorAlan

  1. Yeah, it’s $23 with tip here. It’s hard to go buy a giant burrito for $15 when sushi isn’t much more.

  2. 35 where I’m at. Can’t even eat regular sushi anymore cause I don’t feel full and end up spending 50+

  3. You ever feel really, really dumb?

    As long as I’ve been on this sub I have thought AYCE was a chain restaurant with wildly different price points and vastly different quality from location to location.

    The shoe just dropped.

    I’m absolutely mortified at this.

  4. We used to have great ayce. Post covid all the sushi restaurants got together and agreed to not run any going forward.

    Been missing it since…

  5. The yellowtail, tuna, and whitefish look awful. They look like they were cut when frozen.

  6. The AYCE places around me are $28-34, which is great because all the ‘normal’ places’ prices have skyrocketed. $18 for a special roll ain’t it, and $6 for an avocado roll ain’t it either. Not to mention if you want appetizers…

  7. Looking at it, the quality looks pretty impressive for AYCE. GOOD FIND! I have not been so successful. I would absolutely love a place like this. I’ve had mercury poisoning twice from eating too much fish so maybe it’s best I DONT find any lol

  8. It must be new. Unfortunately all the AYCE places I tried were great when they just opened up and wanted to attract customers and later on became worse as they become more popular. 🤧

  9. I had to google AYCE because my brain couldn’t put that meaning together with those pictures. That is amazing.

  10. Reporting from Reno: so much AYCE sushi, but none of them are very good at all. Surprise surprise, desert fish isn’t cheap.

  11. Any recommendations on AYCE sushi in southwest Houston??? All these posts and I’m cravin

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