jeff cobb is great on mic

currently watching night 7 (7/29) and really enjoying jeff’s commentary.

I’m relatively new to wrestling, but i honestly love the vibes of njpw’s english booth. it really feels like they’ve got little to no oversight and are flying by the seat of their pants held together with duct tape and super glue, which is an energy i really find engaging. i know people here have been discussing how frustrating it is when walker is by himself, and how it’d be much better if chris or someone else were with him for the whole tour, but there have been some talent sitting in that i’ve really enjoyed. jeff brings great energy, henare was really insightful to the storylines going on, even callum was a good match for walker just based on his pure excitement. i think the worst was ELP just cuz his voice was mixed so horribly and he’s so depressed rn. i agree with other people saying that walker’s got a great voice and a lot of potential, but it’s hard to see him struggle doing solo commentary by himself. i also miss chris a lot whenever he’s not on, but i guess we can be thankful that the gaijin talent is able to add what they can. personally i’d love to hear zack on mic, cuz he just be saying whatever the hell comes to his mind.

by bbomb850

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