I’m climbing Mt Fuji tomorrow. A quake tonight in the area and mega quake alert out …landslide risk?

I’m climbing Mt Fuji tomorrow and given the quake we just had and the mega quake alert out I’m looking for advice from other climbers on how real the risk is of landslide on Mt Fuji during a quake and what to do if I am on Mt Fuji during a massive quake. I’m staying overnight at the 8th station.

Safety wise I’m taking a helmet (now, I wasn’t before) and upgrading some supplies such as a solar power bank and extra dried food.

How big of a risk are we talking about here, I’m a local so I can do this anytime technically – should I just cancel out of an abundance of caution?

I’m aware there is a low but not zero risk of eruption as well during a massive earthquake on Fuji.

by Dear_Bookkeeper9789

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