Finished Anki decks for Tango N5, N4, N3 and N2. Also I am 3330 words deep into the Core 10k, what could I do next?

Ok, so after my previous post, I decided to keep farming/grinding Anki decks and also made my way through the Tango N2 deck (a monumental task, if you ask me). I have also kept up with all of my reviews from all of the other decks (Tango N3, Tango N4 and Tango N5, alongside the Core 10k). I have also suspended most of the Core10k cards, and have only unsuspended the ones that showed up in my Tango N2 deck (So I still have around roughly 2k more words to cover in that Core10k, that serve as reinforcement for my Tango N2 reviews). I bring all of this up to provide background for my frustration for still being nowhere near the required level for immersion. Even reading something simple like Sand Land has me looking up words rather frequently. I am also using the DOJG deck to study the grammar points (already covered all of the ones from the Basic book and working my way through the ones in the Intermediate book now). I also took the N5 and passed it last December. Gonna take the N4 this upcoming December 1st, and I am certain I will also ace it. I am planning on taking the N3 in Dec. 2025, so I am thinking about buying Quartet I and working my way through the book. Any other piece of advice? Any easy manga that you might recommend? Thank you all for reading and for your input!

by ajfoucault

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