Safe to eat raw?

Hey, y’all! I’m with a group of people on vacation, and someone had the bright idea to have us rotate who plans and prepares dinner. That would be fine, if we didn’t have a wide variety of dietary restrictions, that make it so the only things everyone can eat are eggs and lettuce. I decided that I could do a poke bowl bar, and let people choose what they put in their bowl, to help mitigate these issues.

However, I realized that the salmon I got for the bowls wasn’t technically “sushi-grade”. It’s from a farm, and it’s been frozen for about a day, but the research I’ve done online has been kind of conflicting, and I really don’t want to make everyone sick. Can anyone offer some insight? If I end up being able to make them, I can post a picture.

Thanks for the help!

by Sentient-Octopus

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