Partner has an interview for a job in Osaka

My bf and I are both based in the UK and he’s applied internally for a job in Osaka which would start in a couple of months. Obviously he’s not even had the interview yet, but as it’s internal it’s a less formal interview and deep down I have this feeling he’s going to get it.

So, with that in mind I thought it would be a good idea to at least start thinking where I fit into all of this. I love the idea of moving out there with him but honestly I have no idea what I would do for work and what I’d be allowed to do for work in terms of visas etc. I work for an advertising event at the moment and we do have a Tokyo event which takes places next month, however I don’t speak Japanese so I don’t directly work on it. If my work allowed me to carry on working for them remotely what are the rules there? I saw something about a 28 hour a week limit or something?

On the flip side of this, I actually went to drama school originally and worked as an actor for a few years in the UK, I’m also a headshot photographer. No idea how I’d incorporate these skills into work in Japan when I don’t speak the language but willing to try and make it work!

by Horror_Win7648

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