I kind of offhandedly mentioned to my mother I was thinking about attending a Japanese language school, as I want to be a translator/interpreter. (I also want to study Mandarin, but that's for later) In the past few hours, she's been bombarding me with questions about moving to Japan and she's considering going with me and bringing my little brothers (you know moms)
Anyway, I've been looking into it to see different schools and such. Since I'm not familiar with Japan, I wanted to know what a good area to live in would be. Preferably somewhere not too expensive but also with decent schooling that could get me to like N2 level Japanese and still give my brothers a decent education.
My mother also wants to know how getting a work visa would work. She's a trucker and I saw stuff saying she would need like referral from her company to go to Japan on a work visa or something? I'm not the best with legal information. Fresh adult, I really don't know much of anything like this big important stuff. So if anyone could help out with that, that'd be great
I'm still not sure if this is the best idea, it's been on the back burner of my mind for a while now but now that it's out in the world, I have to start seriously considering all these things.
Also, I wanted to know if living in Japan is good. I think if I like it for the year or two I attend language school, I may want to continue. I know to get permanent residency, I'd have to live in Japan for ten consecutive years (correct me if I'm wrong) but idk how I'd go about doing that. A student visa won't last forever, would I need to get a work visa? Could it be in translation or would I need a higher paying job like an office job or something?
Sorry, my questions are all over the place. I'm just super confused about the whole thing. Any advice and answers are appreciated!
by Weary-Caterpillar660