Need some itinerary ideas for my sister who doesn’t have much of an interest in Japan

I have made plans for myself and my sister to visit Japan in May in 2025! Although it's still some ways away, I've already purchased the plane tickets and have our hotels booked and ready to go for May 12th to the 27th. We'll be in Tokyo for 7 days (staying in Asakusa), Hakone for 1 night, Osaka for 4 days (staying in Yodoyabashi) and then back to Tokyo for 2-3 more days. While I initially planned to go alone, my family expressed that they weren't entirely comfortable with me going solo (despite my grown adult age of 31), and so my sister offered to go too.

My sister doesn't have a major interest in Japan like I do, and when I've asked for ideas on what she'd like to do/see so I could work them into an itinerary, she said she was going "for the vibes." I don't really want to feel like she's tagging along just to babysit her older sister, so I'm looking to try and work some ideas in for things she might enjoy.

My sister doesn't share many interests with us, but I know that she's a big fan of penguins, food and drinking (within reason). So far, I've looked into a few aquariums with penguin attractions, but I haven't managed to decide on one. My options were Sunshine Aquarium and Maxell Aqua Park in Tokyo, and the Osaka Aquarium in Osaka.

I also have day trips planned for Tokyo DisneySea and Universal Studios Japan so that we can visit Super Nintendo World. Outside of these things, though, the majority of my itinerary ideas are things that fall under the scope of my interests, and I'd like to make the trip more enjoyable for her.

Can anyone recommend some things or restaurants/bars you've enjoyed during your trip? While she's coming with me due to family concerns, this is our first trip abroad for both of us, and I'd like to make it something she'll look back on fondly. 🙁

by Kagabean

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