Disqualification clarification – Misdemeanors

Hello JETs! I (32-M) obtained a bachelor’s degree in 2015 and I have been a working professional since then. I dream of joining the fray as an ALT through the JET Programme and later finding work in Japan. Upon review of the application process and reading other related posts, I’m afraid my criminal history will certainly disqualify me.

* I was arrested for DUI back in 2011. I had this reduced to a Reckless Driving misdemeanor conviction.
* Getting this record expunged seems impossible since this was in Georgia.

I would imagine JET wants applicants to disclose all of their criminal background (not felonies only). I obtained an FBI background check and it’s all there – I’d be too afraid to omit it. Do I honestly stand a chance? Even if I’ve been squeaky clean since then?

Thanks so much!

EDIT: Thanks for the insight, everybody! I honestly thought the response would be overwhelmingly “Don’t even bother”. I’ll contact my local consulate to see if everything is cool. Then I’ll be all systems go for when applications open up. I’ll update this post with my results. 🙂

  1. Japan has strict DUI laws, and if you were required to drive for your school(s) I could see that they might think this was a liability. Although you could apply and state you do not have a DL and therefore might be placed somewhere that doesn’t require driving. BUT theres only one way to find out submit an application and find out.

  2. It was 11 years ago and you were 21 at the time.

    You’ll probably be fine.

    It shouldn’t need to be said, but there’ll be a public shaming and you’ll be fired if you’re caught driving under the influence here even if it’s not on work hours. Honestly, as a JET, I’d expect you’d make the local news.

  3. When I emailed them about that a few years back, they said it needs to be spotless. So yes, they probably care. Even dropped charges were not okay.

  4. When I applied I wasn’t aware I had any sort of record. After getting my background check done it turns out I had a ‘reprimand’ on file, which is literally a record of a stern talking to as a minor that has no implication of guilt and isn’t considered relevant in the UK 2 years after you get it. It was for being accused of shoplifting, no proof or charges brought. This is from 16 years ago.

    So the lowest possible action taken for an unproven accusation of the least severe possible crime under UK law, lower even than traffic offences, meaning the only possible way to have a cleaner record would be to have none at all.

    When I mentioned there was something (the check doesn’t have details, just mentions there’s no ‘live’ trace rather than no trace at all) before receiving details from the record office JET said it’s fine and wouldn’t affect my placement as long as it wasn’t “serious”. Well, as soon as I told them they responded that it’s very serious so they’ll have to deliberate on the issue. It’s been ages now and I’ve been left in the dark with no response from Tokyo whilst being expected to continue paying hundreds of pounds preparing to leave, attending PDO, etc. while they might well pull the rug over a non-issue.

    TL;DR: I have the least serious, most minor possible of blemishes under UK law on my record from getting a formal talking to about an *accusation* of shoplifting with no charge as a child and JET seems to be considering pulling my placement, so who knows what they’ll do if you have a record of something you actually did do wrong.

  5. To get a clear answer – I suggest calling your local embassy. It may not even be a JET thing – it may be a visa thing and if that’s the case other programs like Interact can’t take you in either. Many people here will tell you what they think should be – or probably is fine ….. But your consulate can give you a definitive answer.

  6. I mean, to be honest with you, even before the DUI thing, the fact that you’re doing this at 32 rings more alarm bells for me.

    ALT, even JET, is an assistant job. As in, the actual title, 外国語指導助手, specifies this (ALT is a bit of a mistranslation in this regard). It’s not a career and isn’t something you should be swapping to when you’re already a working professional.

    Now, if you’re dead set on Japan, here’s my advice; save some money, take a years leave, go to a language school here. Whatever you want to do, anything worth doing will require that you understand the language. This cannot be overstated; you will be severely hamstrung if you cannot talk to the people you work with.

    Once you’ve got that under your belt, since you’ll be in Japan anyway, it’ll be a lot easier to talk to employers directly, and you may even get some help from the language school if you’re lucky. How easy it’ll be to find employment, however, I cannot guarantee, since again, being 32 will play against you as Japan has more of an age bias.

    Edit for clarification: I just realised that by the phrase ‘a language school here’, some people may have thought I was talking about the states. No, ‘here’ is Japan.

  7. People make it seem like a death sentence, why don’t you apply and find out, die trying! No one is perfect… even those with a spotless background got shit happening now

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