Not sure if my coworkers hate me or not šŸ˜”

Iā€™m the only American at my job and when I first came everyone was very friendly and would talk to me during lunch I had this one lady who would talk to me a few days in a row then she suddenly stopped coming to the break room to eat then another time a lady who was trying to practice her English with me did the same then stopped coming to eat with me for lunch sheā€™s also the lunch lady and I would get hearts and stuff on plastic wrap for my rice and now nothing šŸ˜© I also came in today and said good morning!!! And usually they respond but it was CRICKETS, I canā€™t tell if they have something else going on during lunch or like itā€™s just random coincidences but I feel they hate me šŸ˜… I also know my evaluation is great so not sure what Iā€™m doin wrong or itā€™s just me getting into my head

by Iittlemeows

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