What does 大 mean in Japanese recipes?

Hey all, I'm planning on making a big pot of 肉じゃが for a potluck today and stumbled upon this recipe:


The ingredients list calls for the typical "golden ratio" broth as follows:


What does the 大 mean in this list? Does it refer to tablespoons?


by deskoo

  1. 大1 = 大さじ (おおさじ)= 1 tablespoon
    小1 = 小さじ (こさじ) = 1 teaspoon

  2. Be a little careful when cooking from Japanese recipes because the definitions of teaspoon, tablespoon, and cup vary from country to country. In Japan they are

    Teaspoon 小匙 = 5ml

    Tablespoon 大匙 = 15ml

    Cup カップ = 200ml

    For example, in Australia they are 5ml, 20ml, and 250ml.

  3. If you’re going to be cooking with Japanese recipes (or any recipe that uses tbsp/tsp I guess lol) I recommend getting a [Japanese measuring spoon like this :)](https://amzn.asia/d/41EtXcg)

    That one is reversible so the big side is an 大さじ and the underside is a 小さじ 🙂

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