Posting here since r/sc wouldn't really appreciate this.

I'm a big fan of Takeshita. Been following him in DDT about 2021 when Wrestle Universe popped up. I'd seen some of his work prior, but it was with WU where I really started following DDT/NOAH/TJPW.

Takeshita was already world class before even set foot in AEW. Mid 20s with a decade of experience and top level athlete will do that. He'd done all he could in DDT, so he set off to new heights with AEW. Now, his run with AEW hasn't exactly been great booking wise. He's delivering some of the best matches and performances in the company, but Tony keeps having him lose. He's spoken in an article about this, not to call it racism, but there's seemingly a higher threshold he as a non-white-American needs to hit.

Despite the setbacks, Takeshita is taking this opportunity to grow even further as a performer. Bettering himself in spite of the obstacles. After beating Jericho and claiming The Alpha title, i feel like he crossed a new horizon. Whether it's AEW, DDT, or NJPW, this guy is a living mountain.

First was the Ospreay match earlier in the year. I'm always upset by how many people go to praise the white guy in these viral matches and always ignore the opponent, in this case Takeshita. I mean, I'm also of the opinion their match was just an exhibition and subpar for both of their standards compared to how they've wrestled in Japan. First timer viewers just being deceived. The Moxley match was another tremendous showing. Then came the TNT ladder match where Takeshita was undoubtedly the performer of the night. Feats of strength and acrobatics in one.

Back in Japan he's been having dream matches as he acts as a special attraction for DDT. Yuma Aoyagi, Minoru Suzuki, and most recently Masato Tanaka. He's needing to use different styles to counter his opponents and out smart or out tough them. And the Tanaka match was pure bliss in strike exchanges. Just carnage as Tanaka walloped Takeshita over and over with the hardest hits. And Takeshita evolved mid match, stealing Tanaka's elbow and taking it for himself.

And now the next evolution of The Alpha happens in the G1. Defeating Yota Tsuji in a terrific match, besting Cobb, and even though he lost, had another masterclass with Yuya Uemura. And I hope you've been watching the backstage comments. Takeshita is the big dog in this tournament and knows it. After defeating Tsuji he said he understands Tsuji's passion for wanting to make NJPW number one. But what about Tsuji himself, who is he? Takeshita basically said get a personality. After he beat Cobb his promo was about how he's been taking things from his opponents. First he defeated Tsuji and proved he's the leader of the new era. He beat Tanaka and took his elbow. He beat Cobb and proved he's the better wrestler and athlete.

I'm looking forward to his promo about Yuya. Takeshita is showing us all his versatile prowess as a wrestler. He went from bullying and beating the hell of Yuya, to selling his arm when it mattered. One too many mistakes made him vulnerable and Yuya was able to capitalize. Takeshita was not KOed, he just didn't have the strength to break free of Yuya's bridging pin.

I wanna see him win the G1 and I do not care how much of a long shot it is.

by T3Deliciouz

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