Japanese person that wants to study in Texas, Austin

Hello, I'm unsure if this is the right subreddit (I'm too scared of what the responses might be on the main Temple sub sobs) but I am a Japanese person studying for my bachelors at Temple Japan right now and I'm really unhappy being there.

I'm studying cs and the quality of education is- questionable. The other students there are just really strange to me and I don't feel like I'm making close connections with anyone. I stay away from the loud and obnoxious people but trying to make small talk with less louder people is even more difficult (people are very shy).

I know some people are gonna be commenting "why would you even enroll there" blah blah blah but my school counselor recommended it to me to get my foot inside an american institution since I told them I want to work and live in america. So I'm here now so questioning why i went there is plain useless.

I'm pretty sure I'm not getting anywhere my money's worth studying here.. So i'm thinking of transferring out but for whatever reason, Temple is notorious for being super difficult to transfer OUT.

I have two options in mind:

1) Ut Dallas
2) Austin Community College
3) Ut Austin (SUPER REACH but doesn't hurt to try)

My gpa is average, not super amazing but better than most students here ig

Would flying over to a community college in Austin be more viable financially (compared to Temple)? I would be considered as an international student. I'd prolly stay there for a few years then transfer out when i have enough credits and apply for a ut school or something.

I was specifically thinking of Austin Community College because my sister works full time at Austin with a huge house n stuff.

The yen is slowly going up in value again so fingers crossed

by notmyaccident

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