My inflation relief benefit of ¥70,000 was stolen. Any legal advice?

Hello. I am a university student living in Shinjuku. I have reason to believe that the ¥70,000 inflation relief benefit issued by most cities in Japan earlier this year (and for which I was eligible given my financial circumstances) was stolen from me by my Japanese ex-girlfriend, who I was living with at the time. My ex notified me that the application form for the benefit arrived after collecting the mail, telling me to sign it and that she would help me mail it out to the Shinjuku government. However, I never actually saw the form and never got to signing it as we were both busy with exams. It was always in her possession and I never thought much of it. Around two weeks later, I returned to my home country for two months (February-March). While at home, my girlfriend suggested forging my signature and mailing it out herself on my behalf, but I cautioned against it given it was illegal and since the deadline to submit the form was in April, I told my girlfriend that there as ample time and I would sign it after returning to Japan. However, when back in Japan, my girlfriend said that she forged my signature and submitted the form anyways and that it wasn't a big deal. Since then, we have broken up, I moved out, and the money never arrived in my bank. I can only assume that she pocketed the ¥70,000 for herself.

I would like to ask if there is any way to figure out what happened. I suppose that my only proof are bank statements showing that ¥70,000 was never deposited into my bank, and perhaps going to the city hall/ward office and having them check records to confirm that the form was submitted despite my not having received any money. The only other "evidence" would be my ex's bank statements, which I of course have no access to and whether or not the police would go the lengths of checking is beyond me. Furthermore I have passport stamps and flight tickets, proving that I was not in Japan when the form was submitted. Any assistance on this (especially finding the application form) would be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much for reading.

by wasedauniversity

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