Besides Hokkaido, is there a city/prefecture in Japan without extremely hot/humid summers or hot/humid weather in general?

Surprised to look through the search bar and not see any prior discussions of this (or the Reddit search bar is just bad).

I know Karuizawa is really nice, but it’s an expensive place to live. If you’re not suffering from the heat, would love to hear where you are in Japan.

  1. Yes, there are many “hishochi” (roughly translated, summering destinations) across Japan. I live in one. They typically have extremely cold winters. Hokkaido has the benefit that the homes are actually designed for their winters.

  2. The reddit search bar is terrible. Honestly it’s easier to use google with reddit as a keyword, or type ‘’ and then a space, followed by your search words.

    I honestly still found some of Hokkaido a little too hot for me, but it’s relative and I really don’t get on with the heat… It was way better than Kanto, but still worse than back home. As such I can’t really recommend anywhere as it’s too hot everywhere for me, ha ha

  3. Nagano is your friend, you can escape most (but not all) of the heat at elevation. Is your goal to visit for a weekend or stay longer? Buy a house? What is your point?


    Up in the northern alps mountains. Lots of foreign bums in the area, so its not hard to find a one room. Plenty of options for renting or buying, temp staying etc. I have seen specials for remote workers too.

    >Budget Karuizawa aka Tsumagoi, Naganohara, Sugadaira

    These towns are in the highlands up behind mt. Asama above Karuizawa. Tend to be cheaper than karuizawa proper, but harder to access.


    Highest train station in Japan. Highlands of Yatsugatake. Still kind of hot tbh.

    >Kiso, Hida Kogen, Hirayu, ontake

    Cool with maybe one hot week. Harder to reach.

  4. Some places in Tohoku have bearable summers.

    Currently living in Iwate and 28°C was almost peak summer temps. With the mountain breeze and elevation, I never needed AC in my apartment (nor do I have one). At work we did for quality of life but it wasn’t necessary. But already at night sometimes we have to close our windows because it gets too cold. And I also live in an area that gets crazy amounts of snow.

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