Best way to declare income + reduce health insurance premiums in my situation?

Hello, I am a student in Shinjuku who making no income (arrived in September 2023). I received in the mail the standard set of payment slips for National Health Insurance; they were around ¥6,500 per slip; x10=¥65,000 for the year. This was too much for me and I declared no income (my Japanese GF did this for me so I don’t know the process) and the amount ended up being reduced to around ¥16,000, which I paid.

But these days, I broke up with my girlfriend. I had to move out of our apartment in May, and the next year’s (the current) batch of slips arrived in the mail in June at old apartment. So problematically, I didn’t get the slips until recently from my girlfriend. The slips are just as expensive as last year’s (¥65,000) and I don’t know how to declare my income or reduce the amount myself.

Given my situation, (arriving in Japan before January 2024 and making no income in 2023), it says “新宿区税務課で住民税の申告をしてください※住民税の申告は原則郵送でお願いしています。詳しくは税務課課税第一係または課税第二係にお問合せください。” I would like to file the tax return and declare my income by mail like my girlfriend did last year and as recommended in the above instructions in Japanese, but I never received any form or envelope in the mail to facilitate doing so.

In my case, should I go to the ward office in my neighbour hood and declaring income there? Is that possible and would it work for reduce the health insurance premiums? I apologize if this is an uninformed question. I genuinely don’t know what I’m doing.

by wasedauniversity

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