Usage of の as a conjugation

Im a beginner learning japanese using genki I. I reached the point where の is used as sort of possesive connection between nouns. Is it correct to use double の such as this?

(This text might be incorrect, but i hope it is understandable)

It just sounds very weird and came across as unnatural

1 comment
  1. There is absolutely nothing inherently weird about doubling up on の or any other particle. In cases where it can be avoided by rewording things another way, people may tend to do that, but with the specific example you give たけしさんのおかあさんのなまえ, there’s absolutely nothing unnatural about that combination of words.

    The only truly unnatural thing in your sentence really is that 雨水 literally means “rainwater” and isn’t a particularly female given name. As for the grammatical construction with the two の’s, it’s no weirder than if you were to say “Tim**’s** mother**’s** name is Elizabeth” or whatever.

    Just as an aside, you really shouldn’t trust your instincts about what sounds “weird” or “‘(un)natural” at this point. Any sense you have about that while you’re still a beginning learner is going to be based on your preconceptions from your native language and really has nothing to do with what is or isn’t natural in the Japanese language itself.

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