Applying for work visa

Hi all! Not sure if this is the best sub-reddit for visa related questions but here goes –

I work for a US based company and recently got approval from my management chain to relocate/work out of Japan. This seems great, but the caveat is that they wouldn't be able to dedicate HR/legal resources into figuring out how to apply for a visa on my behalf.

My company does have a Tokyo office, and has employees hired there, so I'm hoping if I can figure out what the requirements are I could more or less do the paperwork and have them sign. In this sub's wiki it states that obtaining a COE seems to be the major hurdle that requires a company's help.

Has anyone been in a similar situation or have pointers on where I could dig into this? From this article, it seems like the path varies depending on whether my company has a legal entity set up in Japan or uses an EOR.

In either case, from what I gather, it sounds like there are a number of requirements that must be satisfied before I could qualify for a visa – being paid in yen, handling taxes, benefit requirements etc. Does that seem right? Not sure if I'm over (or under) complicating things.

by crakhamster01

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