How to deal with coworker

Hello all. I am new into working in a Japanese company and want some advice about how to deal with a Japanese coworker.

The coworker in question is very kind, and we have no problems personally. The problem is that they seem to not be listening when I answer their technical questions.

They always ask me to explain the exact same processes, and I must have answered it in detail 5 or 6 times now. It isn't just one topic – there are several questions that I have answered that get asked repeatedly

I am sure it isn't malicious in any way, but I am starting to loose my cool answering the exact same questions over and over. I have even wrote documentation around the questions, but it hasn't helped.

How can I deal with this in a polite way? In my country, I would take them aside, and ask exactly what about my explanation they are not understanding, but that feels a bit too confrontational from my experience in Japan so far.

Any advice or past experiences would be greatly appreciated!

by throwaway_163848

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