What to do during hospital discharge?

I stayed in a hospital in shinagawa because of kidney problems. I stayed 4 days in HCU and 6 days in a regular room with 3 other patients.

Those who have stayed in hospitals before how much did you pay? What do you recommend I do before/during the discharge process?

I heard nasty stories of people paying ridiculous amounts for a few days at a hospital.

  1. Well I stayed for 7 days once and 10 the other time, both after surguries. I remember paying something between 30 000 and 60 000, in total.

  2. There is a monthly cap on what you will need to pay that is tied to your salary. Check the wiki link for this subreddit:

    >In the event that your hospital bill is particularly high, as determined by your average monthly income, you will in most cases receive a sizable refund of what you initially paid. However, if the bill is larger than anticipated, or financially difficult, you can file a 限度額適用認定証 “Gendogaku Tekiyo Nintei yoshi” which will calculate an upper-limit for your treatment costs, effectively eliminating that refund you’d normally get, but you pay a lower price then and there. Anticipate a 5 day stay and surgery to cost 90,000 yen with the “Gendogaku”, or about 400,000 yen with a large refund later.

  3. I stayed nearly a week for an appendix. In a room with five other people, I paid roughly 9000 a day. Which still makes me laugh because when I had cancer treatment in the US and had a private room with a shower I paid $60 a day on crappy healthcare.

  4. I stayed for 16 days because of knee surgery. I paid around 900 for surgery and.. around? 700 for my room, which I shared with three other people.

    There is a ‘high cost medical certificate’ you can get that will help you pay for your bills, and I would be surprised if the hospital didn’t try and give that to you. If not, you can ask city hall for it. I dont know the name of it though so. erhh. Good luck. 🙁

  5. >I heard nasty stories of people paying ridiculous amounts for a few days at a hospital.

    This isn’t the US. Unless you’re asking for a private room with all the fixings like a private kitchen and bath, it ain’t that expensive.

    Just make sure you have unlimited internet if the hospital doesn’t have wifi.

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