Shakai Hoken: Does medical records gets leaked to employer?

Too curious to wait for stupid Qs thread so.

Does anyone know if our medical records such as treatments and meds are shared to our employer by shakai hoken company?

Sometimes I called in sick for light symptoms like runny nose or just purely tired, boss or HR will ask me to go to doctor, but then I decided to sleep it off and I’m getting just fine the next day. There are some cases where I did go to doctor, got told to rest for x days, but I dont buy the prescribed medication since I have the remaining stocks at home. Will my employer know about this details?

Additionally I knew a friend who work in another company, she had trouble sleeping and decided to ask 心療内科 approval to rest for few weeks since she dont want to rely on sleeping meds. The doctor issued the 診断書 AND prescribed meds, but she didn’t buy them. Few weeks later she recovered and get back to work normally, but HR asked her a lot about her sleep treatment and whether she consumed meds or not, according to her it’s as if she was accused of lying about her symptoms and it might be due to her not buying the prescribed sleeping pills.

  1. To the best of my knowledge, exact test results no, but they can see which clinic and pharmacy billed your insurance. Then they can deduce whatever they want from that.

  2. AFAIK your employer doesn’t have access to your medical records simply because they provide you with shakai hoken. Privacy laws have become more strict in recent years so I think it would be a problem if employers were perusing staff medical histories without permission. The insurance office will send an annual statement to your employer on your behalf that lists the times and locations where you used your insurance but it contains no details. Your employer is supposed to pass that statement on to you without opening it.

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