Anyone ever quit learning Japanese, for good?

Obviously, this may not be the right subreddit for this question, but I don't think there's one specifically for quitting Japanese, so…

Language learning isn't for everyone. To get to a high level in any language is a monumental effort in and of itself, but for English speakers, Japanese is generally considered to be one of the most difficult languages to learn.

So, has anyone, or does anyone know someone that quit because it was too difficult, or it just wasn't their forté and their time was better spent learning or doing other things? Particularly considering the fact that learning Japanese seriously oftentimes isn't free from a monetary perspective as well as a time perspective.

To such people I ask: at what point did you draw the line? When was it clear that it was time to quit?

To clarify, I'm not thinking of quitting myself, but I do know people that progress much slower than others comparatively, so this question occurred to me.

by Altruistic-Mammoth

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