Had a mild medical situation at work – what should I do?

I'm using a throwaway because I'm a regular poster on this sub and I'm worried about snarky comments.

I was at my desk today when suddenly my vision went blurry (dark in the corners and couldn't see well) and ears started ringing, and I was sweating very intensely. I was trying to keep it to myself but I was worried I was going to vomit so I said to the only other person in the office (I don't work in the main teacher's room, but a smaller office in the school) "I'm sorry, I feel very bad, like I might throw up". She rushed to get me some water and called the nurse, and the nurse very kindly escorted me to the office, gave me some OS-1, and let me lay down. It's the first day of my period and I told her that when she asked, and she said that she thinks I lost blood quickly and it made me feel sick. I also didn't eat much today, which is probably what exacerbated the symptoms. She was so kind to me and let me lay down, and my supervisor informed me I could take menstrual leave. When I felt like I could stand up again, I went back home. I still don't feel great, but better.

I feel honestly really embarrassed by this whole situation. I'm so thankful for everyone's help, but I feel so bad for troubling the other teacher, the nurse, and my supervisor. It's not uncommon for me to feel sick around my period, but I usually power through and keep it to myself. It's not like this is a regular occurrence, but also I don't want to be known as an ALT who has a lot of problems and causes a lot of concern (last year I was in a very minor car accident and while everything is fine now, I still feel bad that my supervisor at the time had to help me with the insurance and stuff). The teachers at my school are so busy, and the nurse is often attending to students, and I just feel a bit stupid for the whole thing. I know it couldn't have been helped, but still…

I'm planning on getting the nurse and the teachers who helped me some cookies and writing them a little note (Something like "Thank you for taking care of me. I'm sorry to cause you trouble. I will be more careful next time".) I know that Japan is big on not inconveniencing others, so is there something more I should do in this situation? Has anyone else had something happen like this? This is not a post to get people to pity me or show sympathy for me, I just genuinely want to ensure my coworkers I won't inconvenience them like this again. I'm sorry if this post is stupid, I think my head is a bit messed up right now.

TL;DR: Nearly passed out at work, other teachers had to help me, what should I do to apologize for inconveniencing them and show my gratitude?

by stupid_throwaway_17

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