You have 3 months to pass N4. How would you go about studying for it?

Background: I lived and worked in Japan for 3 years and have worked jobs like an ALT, eikaiwa tutor, bars, cafes and a hotel. However I never studied because I was lazy and I got by with the bare minimum baby-level speaking ability or the script for the job, such as taking orders in Japanese and other hospitality requests. I recently came back to my home country to pursue a second degree but this time majoring CS and minoring Japanese as I wanted to study Japanese officially. I did first year introductory Japanese and got an A+ because it was for people with zero knowledge. At the start of this semester I got moved up to 2nd year 2nd semester as the 2nd year course is a full year course. So far I already knew most of the common words and grammar points from Genki 2 book but learned a lot about honorific and humble form. But other than that nothing really new to me. The biggest hurdle for me is that I can't read kanji.

I just signed up for the JLPT N4 test that's held on Dec 1 to benchmark roughly where I am. Obviously I know my biggest weakness is kanji and there's no way I am ready to attempt N3 because of it. So I downloaded the Ankidrone Starter Pack V7 and going through Tango N5 and N4 daily for about an hour. Do you think this is sufficient to roughly memorize at least the first 200-300 essential kanji?

by HeroKuma

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