Starting over in Japan?

Hello everyone! I’ve read through some posts and couldn’t find anyone with a similar enough situation as to myself, so I wanted to share my story to ask if I’m being realistic in what I’m seeking.

I’m 25 years old, no formal education past high school. I have 10 years of experience in Audio Visual, 5 years experience as a body piercer, and currently work full time as a sterilization technician for an orthodontist. I live with a roommate in America, but we are planning to go our separate ways in 2026.

I want to essentially start over. I feel like education costs are too high in America to seek attempting further education here, and the cost of living is so high, I can’t balance earning enough income to survive and pay for education at the same time.

I currently have an N5, and have been taking night classes to get to an N1, because I don’t have a degree, is it possible / realistic to save what I can while having a roommate to move to Japan to further my education? Would someone like me be able to find work after completing a bachelors in Japan? My dream has always been to continue working in Audio Visual, either as a technician, or as a voice actor, but I worry that’s unrealistic and there’s no incentive to hire a foreigner that can speak Japanese over a Japanese native. Should I pursue other education and work as an English Teacher instead?

My other worry is due to my previous career in body piercing, I am a heavily tattooed and pierced individual. Although all of my tattoos are coverable and I have no “job stoppers”, my piercings aren’t. Will this cause further issues? Should I give up on this dream and move Midwest to cheaper housing instead and suck it up? I don’t have anyone who could sponsor me, as I don’t have parents or family who would willingly assist me. Is there potential programs for people who are serious about making this a reality that assist people like me?

Thanks for any advice or guidance!

by MangoRei

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