Currently in language school in Osaka, worried about job opportunities

I am currently living in Japan while I attend a language school (year 1 out of 2). I am looking for advice (and hopefully success stories) from people who have followed a similar route.

I am 25 years old and I enrolled in a 2 year language school with the intention of learning Japanese and hopefully finding a job afterwards. My progression has been great and I have no qualms with the school.

However, when I search Reddit posts for other people’s experiences with language school and job hunting (specifically after “graduating” language school), I’m met with overwhelmingly negative posts and comments. This has made me reconsider language school; since I’m only 1 year in, I wonder if it would be best to cut my losses now and go home. I’m genuinely worried that I will be unable to find anything besides a teaching/factory/konbini job. I don’t see a ton of people posting their success stories.

For context, this is my work/educational background:

-I have a bachelor’s and master’s from the US; my master’s is in Healthcare Administration, so it’s likely useless here due to the differences in our healthcare systems

-I have ~4 years of experience working at healthcare startups. Again, these are all healthcare administration related.

I moved because I had nothing left in the US. While there are downsides to living in Japan, I enjoy my day-to-day life more. I’m just worried that I screwed myself over.

Does anyone have any positive stories that they can share? Or, can anyone let me know if my experience is genuinely useless here? I understand that I will be approaching 30 which makes things more difficult.

by Agreeable_Repeat_336

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