What is happening in A-H? (Answers!)

I know all the answers to these, so let me share them with you.

A) Taking selfies without faces. Illegal.
B) When someone says “hello”, the correct response is to say “hello” back, not “thank you.” Dumbass.
C) Lunges in public. Also illegal.
D) Turned her partner into a lump for a better photo angle. Illegal without the proper permit, which she does not have, otherwise she would be displaying it on her right shoulder.
E) Creepy.
F) That’s a coin, grab it for a good time at the gacha store later!
G) Turned into a shadow. Illegal.
H) Horrible sense of fashion, bad hair, and acting like the 90’s were cool. Not illegal, but should be a punishable offense.

Remember folks, TOURISTSHIPS 🛳️

by 50-ferrets-in-a-coat

  1. >I like how clean and safe Japan is!

    >I think Japanese customs are ridiculous and I refuse to understand it

  2. I think we’re missing the loud middle aged woman screaming loudly into her phone at the department store to her friends about her daughter’s college exams

  3. G is supposed to be “a person that **was** there when the place was less crowded” – like seriously, wtf😂

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