Could you see these three being the next Three Musketeers?

Could you see these three being the next Three Musketeers?

  1. Uemura, Narita, and Tsuji are the next three musketeers.

    Umino, not so much. A bit overhyped in my opinion.

  2. Moxley seeing potential in Umino early into his career reminds me of how Scott Hall looked at a rookie Tanahashi and said he was the future.

    That being said, they all seem pretty promising. Including Tsuji, despite not being in the picture. It’s entirely possible they could be the big 4 of the company in the future.

  3. Too much pressue in my eyes. Yuya though is the biggest potential star out of them to me.

    Narita I probably feel the safest about him coming back and just being very good and in the upper mid card

  4. Yes , but NJPW should build them up first by having them win tag gold and maybe have some reigns with Openweight and US titles

  5. How old are they right now? And how old were the last set of musketeers when they were proclaimed as such?

  6. I think people are hyped on Umino because he’s been out over by Jon Moxley and Chris Jericho but if you’ve followed him in RevPro, he still looks lost in a lot of matches. Uemura is the guy who has impressed me the most personally.

  7. Yes PLEASE. But only if they’ve got the chips for it. Don’t MAKE them the Musketeers, recognize it, if they reach those heights.

  8. They could, but still need to develop, show they have natural charisma and get some good stories written for them.

  9. Uemura is destined for the main event.

    I think Narita comes back as a junior but graduates to HW in time.

    Tsuji (I know he’s not pictured here) to come back as a mid-card enforcer/bruiser type, a bit like or O-Khan or LIJ EVIL.

    Shota is trickier to predict as he has the most name recognition and the connection with Moxley, but apparently hasn’t been impressing on excursion (I rarely watch Rev-Pro so just going off of what others have said).

  10. None of these guys, Tsuji included, have impressed to the point where they can be considered on the level Shibata, Nakamura, or Tanahashi were as YLs. The expectations are way too high on them, especially Umino because of the Moxley stuff.

  11. We won’t actually know until they return tbh. Guys very seldom look great on excursion because there is a lot of finding what works and what doesn’t. There are exceptions (Hiromu most obviously from recent history) but in general it’s difficult to say until they are back in Japan.

    What they have working for them is an obvious lack of young Japanese maineventers.

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