Year end tax adjustment. How to do it from overseas?

I left my job July 31st, left japan august 19th. Was told by my work to do my own year end tax adjustment. They gave me my gensen choshuhyo and said that I should try and do it in person before I leave (I couldn’t do that because reasons) or appoint a tax rep, which I have done. The problem is that there isn’t much info online as to how to get the refund, what process to follow etc. I want to do as much for my tax rep as possible so that all they’ll need to do is simply turn up at the tax office/post the relevant forms…but all the info online says that my employer is supposed to do it 🙃 (which yes I tried to argue with them at the time that they should do it, but they kept digging their heels in and insisted that it wasn’t their responsibility)

I believe I am due some money back because I had declared a dependent. Also, afaik my local tax office is closed now and only accepts mail applications, and when I rang the tax people before I left they said my tax rep could also do this at any tax office in the country that still accepts irl stuff…I just don’t know what it is that my tax rep is supposed to do.

by acnebbygrl

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