Japan swelters through hottest summer ever recorded

Japan swelters through hottest summer ever recorded

by biwook

  1. > Japan has recorded 8,821 instances of “extreme heat” – a temperature of 35C or higher – so far this year, easily beating the previous record of 6,692 set in 2023

    Fucking hell.

  2. I was over there until last week and remember thinking how fucking bad it was. I’m used to the Australian summer that gets hotter but my God was the humidity so high it felt like I could swim through the air.

  3. I’m glad it wasn’t so bad up in Hokkaido compared to last year, but I feel sorry for the rest of the country.

  4. Okay. I’m currently visiting and as soon as I stepped off the plane I said “wow, that’s high humidity”. I grew up in Houston, Texas and it’s not that bad, but it does bring back memories.

  5. In Tokyo I honestly think it’s not been as bad as last year. The last few weeks especially have been a bit cooler. The worst thing about last year was it went on and on for most of September.

  6. I was there for the month of August and coming from the south of Spain I expected to be “fine”. Leaving the apartment at 8am with 31 degrees to walk all day long and sweat all the clothes I had was an experience. Thank god for the vending machines you have all over. Now I feel sorry for the tourist walking through Seville in August on 42 degrees.

  7. So many shops/restaurants were like 30+ inside, made it really hard to leave the hellscape.

    Japanese in summer: oh we don’t set the AC low because people will get sick from such a dramatic change in temperature

    Japanese in winter: Fuck it, set the heater to 35

  8. As an American who just experienced his first summer in Japan, I never want to again. I’ll be returning back to the states for summer.

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