I’m really turning a corner on David Finlay

This time last year I did not get what they saw in him at all, I thought he had such a weak g1, then when he got put into the triple threat I groaned. He looked like shit but had a brock Lesnar move set. However, since wrestle kingdom I'm really coming around on him, and these last two nights cemented that.

He's had one great match on night 1, and one, imo, really good match on night 2. He seems to be viscous in the ring, and dominating, bit that's because of how viscous he is, which makes sense to me. Also I'd say tsuji and uemura both have so much potential, but there's still some holes and inexperience, so unlike last year when his best match was against ospreay, its not like he's getting carried to these matches, if anything it seemed like he was the ring general in both of them. Really starting to enjoy him and for the first time I'm excited to see more from him.

by stinkface_lover

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