Trigger Warning CSA Case Questions and Looking for Resources

TLDR: child sexual assault reported by military family went through on base and off base channels in Okinawa. Base stated they informed the authorities and they did not. 160 days later since finding out there was a mishandling in our case. A year and a half since reporting to Child Welfare Office in Okinawa and doing a in person interview.

Update- Child Welfare Office has stayed in correspondence. But prefer not to speak with a phone translator. They have asked to send emails which are more in translation cost. They said their delay in handling the case was that the person we were emailing left and they did not check her emails? Told they’d update in July. September is about here and they have not visited the school.

This process has been difficult and no one seems to know who I can go to for help. US Embassy Okinawa did not have any suggestions. Is there a non profit in Japan or legal services you might recommend in Okinawa or Tokyo that work with foreign nationals. Particularly SOFA?

Contacted Parties
Kadena Law Enforcement
Family Advocacy
Base Legal
First Sgt
Patient Advocate
Okinawa City Police
Okinawa US Consulate Naha
3 legal offices Okinawa denied due to SOFA
OIHF for legal services encouraged to wait until prefectural office finishes?
Discussed option of press. Point of contact made but holding off publishing until report is out.
IG report made for mishandling of case
Local Rep contacted for lack of resources for children impacted by assault or abuse on base

by SeriesOk5120

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