14 YouTuber suggestions!

It's a very common post here "what Japanese YouTube channels should I watch??" and recently I've been watching a LOT of Japanese YouTube, so I have some recommendations, including some that a lot of people here probably won't know about. For transparency's sake, I'm only maybe at a low N3 level, so I haven't been able to fully dive into the deeper aspects and parts of Japanese YouTube yet, so maybe I'll do an updated one of these in a year or two, who knows. Also, second disclaimer, these are not channels for learners. If you're a beginner, these are not channels for you, they are native channels generally for native speakers who only speak Japanese. If you want stuff deliberately for beginner learners, go somewhere else.

  1. Ten Neko/ねこてん (Cooking, makeup, comment response, gaming, comedy. Her videos are funny and fairly easy to understand, especially since most of them have full Japanese soft subtitles and many even have English ones you can enable for reference sometimes. Her main channel is no longer updated, but she still does have a streaming channel with vods.)
  2. PDRさん (Commentary, comedy, skits. Hafu who’s fluent in Japanese, though his English is the better of his native languages, but the whole channel is in Japanese. He talks about YouTube and other goings on, and makes skits of his experiences as a konbini clerk and as a hafu. He also has another channel where he collects comics and Pokemon cards and stuff, and makes other more random videos.)
  3. KENT for 任天堂ゲームレビュー (Nintendo game reviews, rankings, retrospectives, etc)
  4. Piropito (An amazing Minecraft let's play where he plays entirely blind using his creativity and ingenuity, great original horror videos, and devlogs of his own horror game. The videos have English hard subs for foreigners watching, but if you're not a beginner, I suggest just blocking them. Suggestions include foreign language auto subtitles you can't read, a piece of scotch tape, the spotlight search bar on Mac. Don't watch his streams though, they're bilingual :<)
  5. 瀬戸弘司/瀬戸弘司ゲーム実況 (Food, tech reviews and other things like that on his main channel, let's plays on his gaming channel.)
  6. おふとんのなかで. (((GBA))) (Retro game buying, unboxing, and playing.)
  7. ことラボ (Bite-sized linguistics videos.)
  8. せなくまチャンネル (Gaming, occasionally DIY or other IRL content like making a gyroid from Animal Crossing in Real Life and going to Super Nintendo World. I love her BOTW series.)
  9. てつお ドラクエ考察&解説ch (Various high quality Dragon Quest video essays. He also has a channel for Final Fantasy, but I haven't seen it.)
  10. ドコムスチャンネル (Hilarious gaming highlights videos of games like Animal Crossing, Tomodachi Life, Supermarket Simulator, Platform 8 and stuff like that.)
  11. 桜井政博のゲーム作るには (The legendary Masahiro Sakurai's channel, all about making video games, the stories behind developing his games, and other related things. Full Japanese hard subs included, and the videos are fairly short.)
  12. 梨ちゃんねる文学系YouTuber (Videos about books, whether that be reviewing, buying, or whatever.)
  13. Mao Nakazawa (Videos about learning English, Korean, Spanish, and other languages as a Japanese person, and the occasional vlog.)
  14. Maibaru Travel (Travel vlogs around Japan, and in places like Taiwan, Hong Kong, Korea, and Europe.)

So those are the top channels I'd have to recommend! I hope you guys can get something out of this, and make sure to explore Japanese YouTube a lot, I found msot of these channels just by exploring, not from lists like these, these are just a jumping off point 🙂 If you have any thoughts on any of these channels/recommendations or recommendations of your own, comment 😀

by smamadams

  1. Funny since I was just wondering where to find some good YouTubers. You sir must be a mind reader

  2. i like watching sagirix since she mostly speaks japanese in her videos (with subs), and speaks both english and japanese in her shorts (also subbed)

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