Artist residency/opportunities?

Hello all!

My name is Gus Møystad, I'm a Dutch/Norwegian artist and comic book artist, and I just visited Japan for the first time this year. I have always loved Japanese art ever since I could flip through my grandfather's giant book of ukiyo-e images but now having visited museums, print shops, galleries and art supplies shops in Kyoto and Osaka, I would like to make real work of immersing myself in the art tradition.

I was wondering if there are any artists or locals here that know of any artist residencies, summer schools, or workshops (whatever length, though preferably longer than 2 weeks) in Osaka or in Japan generally. I'll leave a link to my Instagram for some sense of my work if it helps. This is the very start of my research so any and all tips or hints are appreciated!

Thank you in advance.

by TheGooseThatMoose

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