Is 60,000 yen/month enough for living in the countryside of Japan?

I’m going to Kanazawa, Ishikawa to pursue a master’s degree at the end of this month and I’m wondering if I have enough money in my budget to study without having to do a part-time job. After minus the study fee and monthly rent (I will stay in the university’s dorm), I can allocate 60,000 yen as living cost for each month which I assume will be spent mostly on food/utilities/bills. Do you guys think that is doable or am I missing something? TYIA

  1. It’s doable, but it’s not going to be fun.

    The number that gets thrown around here most often for monthly food costs is ~40,000 yen/mo. How accurate that is…. Dunno. I spend more, but I’ve got a family, and I enjoy eating out. It’s a decent ballpark, though. Which means you’re looking at ~20,000 yen for *everything else*. Like I said… doable, but not fun. You’re not going to have much money for going out, or travelling, or even really seeing a movie every so often.

    More importantly here: Why only 60,000? Situations like this are exactly why immigration has the financial support requirements for the student visa. If you’ve got enough money to get the visa, you *should* have enough money to live without scrimping this much.

    Also: FYI, Kanazawa isn’t “countryside”. It’s a city with a half-million residents. It’s not a megapolis, but it’s still a sizeable city.

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