Regarding “IT work in Japan” posts and Rule 2

Recently we have been seeing a veritable flood of posts regarding working in IT in Japan. The vast majority of these posts are effectively "I want to work in Japan in IT. How do I do it?"

The mod team would like to remind everyone about the existence of Rule 2: "Do your own research before posting."

Here's the rule, for reference:

Rule 2: Do your own research before posting

Try to research your question on your own before posting. This may include: Googling your query; reading past posts; or contacting your school/embassy/employer. We also have a wiki that covers many commonly asked questions, as well as a dedicated visa wiki page that gives basic information on the most common visa types.

Please present any information you've already found in your post.

We would like to emphasize two parts of Rule 2:

  1. "Reading past posts" – We have talked about working in IT, the state of the industry, and how to get a job hundreds of times in the past. Failure to search the subreddit is a violation of Rule 2.
  2. "Please present any information you've already found in your post" – In other words: Show your research. If you have searched the internet and/or the subreddit (Which is required as part of Rule 2) you need to show us what you found. Link to previous discussions and explain why they don't answer your question. Failure to do this is also a Rule 2 violation.

While we are sometimes a bit lenient on Rule 2 if it's something we don't frequently discuss or an obscure topic that is hard to research, going forward we are going to have a zero tolerance policy regarding Rule 2 violations when it comes to the IT question.

This doesn't mean you can't post about IT. If you have specific questions that are not answered by previous posts, or if you'd like clarification on something that wasn't clearly explained you're welcome to make a new post. But if your post is just "How to IT in Japan" it will be removed and we won't entertain any appeals.

by dalkyr82

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