Need help for a gift: Looking for the most vile Japanese insult possible, as well as an idea for a beautiful/traditional Japanese image design to pair with it.

Hi all, looking for ideas if people are feeling generous:

Basically, my BIL just bought his first house, and I’m making him a very nice black walnut cutting board as a housewarming gift. I work as a carpenter and have access to nice tools and materials. I’m planning on having a plain surface on one side, and a laser-etched design on the other, so when not in use it can hang on the wall as an art piece.

He has always had a thing for Japan (probably from playing too much TW:Shogun) and a lot of his decorations are from either Japan or Hong Kong, where he lived for years. Thus a nice classy looking traditional image could go on it and it would fit right in.

However, I want there to be a joke aspect to it where there are a 2-3 lines of Japanese text that are a terrible insult, something that a person who understands Japanese would notice and be shocked by right away. My BIL would never know the difference but it would be hilarious to finally reveal it. Something along the lines of “(name) is a filthy vile (blank)” or “my owner is a (blank)” or something even better but not too long.

I studied Japanese for a bit years ago but I never got enough natural conversation practice with peers to have learned anything like this.

Any ideas from some native-level speakers for the message? And any ideas for theme/content of the illustration from the art buffs?

Much appreciated. If I get some good ideas I will post the image of the completed work on here when it’s finished. Forgive me if this is too inappropriate for the subreddit.

TLDR; making my BIL a nice cutting board with a classy traditional image paired with vile, insulting text. He wont have an idea what it means (I’ll tell him it’s a saying or poetry, etc) which adds to hilarity. Need help on the specifics of the text and image.

by HypnopompicState

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