Keep quitting Japanese and coming back. Not sure how to approach.

So for the last year or so ive attempted to learn Japanese 3 separate times for a few weeks or so and then burned out and wanted nothing to do with it for a month or 2. I think some key factors are. 1. I have other focuses betwen work/school that I can't really add those hours. 2. I try to do too much as I really do want to learn as fast as(reasonably possible). Which I eventually got down to about 1 or 2 hrs a day. I could fit this in and still have an hr or 2 of free time . So I felt like the most recent time was reasonable and not overwhelming. However after a few weeks I think the reality of having to do this every day for years just begins to overwhelm me. And I just slowly don't want to listen or do any practice. and then I just end up not doing anythint after a while. I'm considering coming back with a similar schedule but possibly giving myself 2 days off for dedicated study. Hopefully that makes me more consistent with the process. Anyone face a similar situation? And how did you approach it. (Sorry for horrible formatting. Not sure how to indent on mobile)

by Rei_Gun28

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